
Paths of Glory playthrough

  Paths of Glory published by GMT games and designed by Ted Racier end of Turn 1 Aug 1914 - western front: Germans capture Liege (Guns of August event); reduce the BEF and two French armies to corps; capture Brussels, Sedan, and Cambrai. Allies retreat Belgian army to Ostend, abandoning Antwerp ... which looks unlikely to matter as both the Belgians and the BEF are soon to be cutoff and OOS. +2VP for the CP with another three within easy grasp in turn 2. - Eastern front: Germans push into Lodz and Warsaw sweeping aside weak Russian resistance; Russians counter in the south with success in capturing Lendberg and Czernowitz and reducing three AH armies to corps. Even on this front ... +2 for the CP and -2 for the allies. But the Austro-Hungarian losses are huge and will be hard to replace. - Balkan front: Austro-Hungarians manage to capture Belgrade at a cost of another army reduced to corps. +1 for the CP Overall +3 for the CP moving the track to 13. Might be a short war with those thre

Purpose of this blog

I am hoping to document my journey through the board wargame world with specific attention to Advanced Squad Leader. Over the last 6-12 months I have purchased/obtained a number of ASL modules and scenario packs which I intend to play through as best I can ... hopefully with pictures and commentary. We will see eh? Best intentions and all that.